Speaker Information

Hi there! Thanks for your interest in being a speaker at the Elevate your Coaching Summit!

I’m SO excited to team up with you to pull off something that’s going to be absolutely incredible.

The Elevate your Coaching Summit is a LIVE 1-day event that is aimed at helping coaches get back into alignment. From Branding to Technology and everything in between, this summit will provide a variety of topics to help coaches ELEVATE their Coaching Business.

This style of this event will be: Each speaker will get 5 minutes to speak and then we will invite participants into breakout rooms for the attendees to come and learn how to IMPLEMENT what they just learned in a Mastermind style session. The goal is always to position YOU as the expert! We will ask each speaker to provide a pre-recorded presentations to provide more value and content to our VIP members.

On this page, you’ll find all kinds of resources meant to make your life as a speaker as easy as possible and answer any questions you might have. If you run into a question I didn’t answer, email me at hello@elaineturso.com ... I’m here for any questions you have!

First step, review the FAQ, then complete the application.


Before you Commit FAQ

How will it all work?

Q: What time is the Live Event?

A: January 17th 2024 from 8:00am - 4:00pm PST Wednesday. You will only need to be live for about 60-minutes.

Q: What benefits will I receive as a speaker?

  • 40% commission per referral that upgrades to VIP experience via your affiliate link

  • A copy of the recording of your panel

  • Featured speaker bio on our website with your social links

  • Mini Podcast guest interview spot on Bitch & Brainstorm Podcast (optional)

  • Social Media promo

  • The emails of our registered guests who consented to their email being shared

  • VIP Access to all of the content

Q: Tell me more about the structure of this event

A: Audience members can register via our website. Our event will be live-streamed via Zoom to YouTube. Our VIP members will be able to join us live on camera and attend the break out room Mastermind and ask questions and share. VIP's will also be eligible to receive giveaways provided from you, our speakers.

Q: How will you choose the speakers?

A: We will choose based on your topic, we want to have a wide variety of speakers with a variety of topics.

Q: What is the panel structure?

A: Each speaker will get 5 minutes to present their best practices/ tips. 20-minutes Breakout Room Implementation Mastermind with our VIP guests and then we will take 10 minutes for final thoughts/ sharing.

Q: Do you have to promote the event?

A: It's not required, BUT, we hope that you will! We will provide you with affiliate links, graphics, and swipe copy to make it easy to share it with your audience.

Q: Do I have to be live all day?

A: Absolutely NOT! We know you are busy! We'll ask you to come to zoom 10 minutes prior, and participate in your panel and breakout session.

Q: When will tickets go on sale?

A: December 18th, 2023

Q: Will you share your email list with me?

A: We will ask each guest for their consent to receive emails from the speakers, and if they agree, we will pass that info along after the event. Also to note: You are welcome to include a opt-in link in your bio!

Q: What is the proposed schedule?

A: This is SUBJECT TO CHANGE, but here is what I'm thinking for scheduling purposes:

Note: times listed in PACIFIC TIME

8:00am PST | 10am Central | 11am Eastern - Welcome

8:10 am - 8:30am Summit Kick Off Keynote - (TBD) 20 mins

8:30-9am Keynote: Laura Hulleman – Branding

9am – 9:25 Panel: Foundation          

9:30-9:50 Implementation Mastermind – Break Out Session – 20 mins

9:50-10am Sharing – 10 mins  

10:00am – 10:30 Keynote: Elaine Turso – Customer Experience / Follow Up

10:30-11:00 Panel: Structure           

11:05-11:25 Implementation Mastermind – Break Out Session – 20 mins

11:25-11:35 Sharing – 10 mins

11:35-11:45 Break  

11:45-12:15 Keynote: Sales (TBD)

12:15-1pm Panel: Sales / Best Practices

1pm – 1:20 Implementation Mastermind Break Out Session – 20 mins

1:20-1:30 Sharing – 10 mins

1:30 – 1:45 Break  

1:45-2:15   Panel: Social Media Marketing Panel       

2:20-2:40 Implementation Mastermind – Break Out Session – 20 mins

2:40-2:50 Sharing – 10 mins

2:50pm to 3:30 Panel: Marketing Activities Panel         

3:30-3:50 Implementation Mastermind – Break Out Session – 20 mins

3:50-4pm Sharing 10 mins

4pm Closing Remarks  

What I’ll Need From You

So this all sounds great, but what kind of work does it require of you? Let’s chat about it! My goal is to make this all as easy as humanly possible so we can all have a blast while providing great value and growing our businesses.

  1. Your application will be what I use to create the info on our Registration page, so if anything changes between now and December 15th, please reach out ASAP.

  2. If you are going to provide a giveaway, I'll need a graphic provided by you for our website.

  3. LIVE DAY: Before we go live, I'll be emailing you a link to join us via zoom with your confirmed time. I'll ask you to join us 10 minutes prior so we can have a seamless transition.

Pro Tips:

● Make sure you have good lighting, facing natural light or a ring light

● Check for quality sound

● Set your space up for success

● Have a less distracting background behind you

● Make sure you are at a good eye level for your camera recording

● Have fun and bring your good energy!

VIP Experience & Giveaways

The VIP Experience will be a great option for our guests who don't want to miss out on any of our speakers.

As a way to encourage people to register, and get reminders about their 'don't want to miss speakers' our VIP guests who choose to upgrade to a paid VIP guest, will be eligible to receive a giveaway item donated by you (optional) and be eligible to participate in the breakout rooms and ask questions.

It’s totally up to you to decide whether you’d like to participate in this. While this isn’t required, it’s highly encouraged that you participate.

I will follow up and ask you to provide a graphic of your giveaway item (any coupon codes for the winners) + any links for people to access it who didn't win it.

Promotion Period

The power of an online summit comes from a group of experts coming together for a single cause, to boost small business owners and content creators. The joint promotion that happens because of that is a huge benefit to everyone involved.

Because of that, everyone is encouraged to share on social media and to email their lists during the promotion period, starting on December 15th 2024

You’ll want to share using your affiliate link (which will be set up for you) so you can get in on the 40% commission that will come from any VIP Experiences purchased.

Affiliate Details

While summits are great for overall visibility and making new connections, a little extra income never hurts either, right?

That’s exactly why I’ve set up an affiliate program for the VIP Experience where you’ll receive a commission from all sales from traffic you refer to the event.

Payouts will be made by February 28th 2024.

The VIP Experience pricing will be:

● $47 Early Bird VIP Registration, until January 16th 2024 (Commission payout: $18.80)

● $97 on January 17th 2024 (Commission payout: 38.80)

To make it as easy as possible for you to generate extra income, the Speaker Resource Vault will include things like email swipe copy, social media copy, and social share graphics.

However, you’re more than welcome to write your own copy and even run your own Facebook ads. Just remember to use your affiliate link so you get properly compensated.

As with all affiliate promotions, be sure to disclose that you’re an affiliate when sharing with your audience.

Important Dates

Here’s a roundup of our key dates:

● December 7th- Speaker Application Deadline

● December 8th - Speaker Selections

● December 12th - Deadline for Contracts/ Agreements Signed

● December 13th - Speaker Graphics & Schedule Finalized

● December 13th - Speaker Portal created with graphics, swipe copy, etc.

● December 18th - Announcements & Promo Begins

Live Summit - January 17th 2024

● Affiliate payouts: by February 28th, 2024

---Something I missed? Email me at hello@elaineturso.com

Preliminary Speaker Agreement

What you would agree to as a speaker participating in this event - You can view the entire agreement here. (You will be asked to sign this agreement to participate in the Summit, once you have been approved as a Speaker.)

Nutshell version:

  1. Due to privacy laws, we will not give speakers a list of everyone who registers. However, we will provide a list of those who opted-in to receive communcation from our speakers. Therefore, you are welcome to share a link to your pages/ sites to promote your offers and encourage sign ups.

  2. Speaker compensation will include affiliate payouts, event promotion, and digital promotional materials. If you share your affiliate link and someone upgrades their free ticket to the VIP experience, you will receive a financial payout.

  3. Speakers will receive a copy of their recorded live presentation, that you are free to do what you like with.

What experience do you have running summits?

I'm no amateur, my first summit I did was called "Leve Up to Scale Up" during Covid. It was so fun!

My previous summits "Elevate your Online Presence" received RAVE REVIEWS from both panelists and attendees. Here's the feedback I got:

"The panels that I was able to attend were great. One of the best summits I’ve attended. The way you organized all of it, the thought and cafe you put into how you communicated with speakers but also just how things were organized and set up — phenomenal. I love how you’ve thought about giveaways. The way you communicated with us. The back end of streamyard. Girl everything was fucking high touch. Best experience. You should bottle and sell it."

"Honestly, I was honored to be one of the 4 men panelists. It was great to share some of my knowledge with your audience and from people taking notes, I'm glad I could give your audience nuggets of info to help with their business. You did an amazing job with the selection of the speakers as ALL provided great content. 1st for me.  but this was outstanding and so much value provided."

"It was such a great summit. great idea of putting all the speakers into panels."

"It was so much fun. loved the ability to jump on and off and see the speakers and information that were of interest."

"I think you have done an AMAZING job! 💖"

"Loved the panels. Found it a lot more interesting to listen to panels sharing ideas"

"By far the BEST summit I've ever attended. You need to package your formula and sell it"

Elevate your Customer Experience Feedback:

"Your summits are so well thought out, organized, detailed and the follow up and reminders are amazing."

"Both summits that I have attended have been the best run, most seamless experiences. I haven't attended a lot of online summits, but others have been plagued with technical difficulties, or felt more like sales pitches than information sharing, and I was not interested in working with the presenters. With your approach, I feel like I am invited into a community of like minded people who are willing to share their experiences and knowledge, and I am more likely to be willing to pay for their expertise."

"I don't have anything to compare it with but I will say I left extremely inspired and grateful. You took care of everything so all we had to do was come and serve the people..which I always get excited about. You were super organized and brought together a kickass group of entrepreneurs!!!! Thank you for the opportunity friend"


As you can see by this incredible lineup,

you are NOT going to want to miss this event!


it's time to